Tag Archives: ssh

How to deal with several ssh keys easily

Hello, this post will be about how to use several ssh keys in a “simple” way.

I had the problem of having several ssh keys to connect to different servers and also to use git with a different key.
I know I’m not quite clear with this, so let’s take an example.

You have two keys, one to connect to a server and an other one to use git (github, bitbucket, whatever …).

You want to clone a project using git :

git clone git@git.florianleleu.com:/myAwesomeProject

And you would do this to connect to the server s1.farm.florianleleu.com :

ssh florian@s1.farm.florianleleu.com -p 2222

Your keys are in ~/.ssh/, though which one will be used for the server and which one for git? Stuck.

I hope it’s more clear now. 😀

Here’s one way to solve this problem.
You have to create this file ~/.ssh/config
Give it some “good” rights (i.e chmod 600 ~/.ssh/config)

Here is an example of what you can write in this file, the explanations will follow :

Host git git.florianleleu.com
    HostName git.florianleleu.com
    User git
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/git/id_rsa

Host *.farm.florianleleu.com
    User florian
    Port 2222
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/farm/id_rsa

Options shown :

  • Host => alias or the pattern(s) you want to match, some regex are allowed
  • Hostname => the real host you want to connect to
  • User => the user with which you will be connected on the remote server
  • Port => the port of the remote server (default 22)
  • IdentityFile => the path to your private key

And now how to use it :

git clone git:/myAwesomeProject

In this command: git clone git:/myAwesomeProject, what’s in bold will be replaced by git@git.florianleleu.com because it is matched by the first Host (i.e alias), and obviously, it will do what was wanted at first, which is to take the key ~/.ssh/git/id_rsa. Note that you can also write it git clone git@git.florianleleu.com:/myAwesomeProject, but the alias is quite handy.

ssh s1.farm.florianleleu.com

In this command: ssh s1.farm.florianleleu.com, it’s matched by the second Host, and will be replaced by florian@s1.farm.florianleleu.com -p 2222 and use the file ~/.ssh/farm/id_rsa.

Obviously, not everything is said, there are other options ! RTFM 🙂

man ssh_config